Hello, my name is Bakabu.
I am an earworm. Yes, you heard right, an EARWORM, with a red nose and a white hat. By the way, you could make one like this yourself with no trouble at all. I live in Singeland in the small village of Hornhausen. And there is nothing I love more than music and new songs.
Maybe you have already sung one of my songs. Besides, I love whistling. Every day I whistle a little good-morning song to the bellflowers in my garden. Often the music brings along pretty exciting adventures. Fortunately, I have lots of friends in Singeland who help me with them. Would you like to meet them?
![Bakabu mit Hut](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Bakabu.png.pagespeed.ce.S1xbnPUjCG.png)
This is Charlie Gru
the most anxious clay pigeon in the whole of Singeland
Charlie Gru is also my very best friend. Adventures are not really his thing, but when it comes to helping his best friend, he finds it hard to say no.
Ahem, B-B-Bakabu, m-m-may I say…
Later, Charlie Gru. Now we are going to carry on with…
is a truly brash cricket.
She is as happy as a sandboy, always ready to lend an ear, and speaks almost as quickly as she plays her guitar.
Oh come on, Bakabu, I don´t really talk that fast.
OK, ok - but the part with the guitar is for sure true! And she also lives in the coolest Guitar-House in the world. You bet she does!
Mimi Lou,
The wacky frog
Let me introduce myself, I am Mimi Lou. I am a wacky frog
Wacky frog, yep, exactly. Mimi Lou is Charlie Gru‘s best friend and mine, and really cuckoo (as you may already have noticed). Sometimes her language is somewhat peculiar.
Hey, wait a second! What do you mean? And what is so funny about my language?
It is alright, Mimi Lou. And I also wanted to say: She is strong as a bear, and helps me and Charlie Gru get of a jam time and time again.
Quanz quenau!
Jack Embalo,
the moaning mule
Ah, it is my turn finally! I thought you would forget about me. It is always the others who get introduced first. Hmph!
Hmm, yes. This is indeed Jack Embalo. You probably have already noticed, that he is always in a bad mood. But under the thick skin and his long donkey years he is as soft as butter. Furthermore he is a fantastic piano player. And the best tea maker. And he squeezes the sweetest apple juice. And…
Alright, alright Bakabu! But please do not forget about …
Uncle Kornett,
the old shell
I can never, absolutely never forget Uncle Kornett. The most amusing shell in the whole of Singeland. Uncle Kornett is an old seaman who has seen a lot, has a huge amount of stories in his bag and knows almost everything - he just sometimes mixes things up a bit.
Ah, does he really do that, little earworm?
Only very very rarely, uncle Kornett. As good as never, if I think about it a bit longer. He plays the foghorn, smokes a real pipe and when he spins a yarn, meaning when he starts telling his good old stories, he even talks in rhymes.
Yes, yes. I believe this is enough, because we are still missing …
Anton Kammerton,
die Schlafmütze
Anton Kammerton sieht man nicht oft. Er verbringt die meiste Zeit in seiner kleinen Kammer im alten Trompetenbaum und … schnarcht. Ab und zu kommt er bei Onkel Kornett vorbei, um Karten zu spielen, aber auch nickt er zwischendurch immer wieder ein. Aber wisst ihr was: Nach dem Gähnen von Anton Kammerton könnt ihr Eure Instrumente stimmen.
Professor Schweinsohr
Hey! Diese schweinische Schweinbacke hat hier doch gar nichts verloren. Hier sollte es doch um meine Freunde gehen. Aber dieser gemeine Fiesling taucht immer dort auf, wo man ihn nicht braucht. Er hasst Musik! Könnt ihr euch das vorstellen?? Dieses Schleimpaket! Und er heckt Tag und Nacht die fiesesten Pläne aus, wie er die ganze Musik aus dem Singeland verschwinden lassen kann. Aber das werden wir auf keinen Fall zulassen … Helft ihr uns dabei?